
All posts for the month June, 2013

It is certainly possible to learn everything you need to know about financial reporting and analysis (for both Level I and Level II) without understanding fully credits and debits, but it is unquestionably more difficult than if you do understand them.  The good news is that they’re not difficult to understand. Income statements gave rise […]

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CFA® Level I Membership, CFA® Level I Financial Reporting and Analysis (FRA) Membership

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The price at which you will receive a margin call on a long position in a stock is given by:

\[margin\ call\ price\ =\ P_0\left(\frac{1\ –\ initial\ margin}{1\ –\ maintenance\ margin}\right)\]


  • \(P_0\): initial price of the stock

The price at which you will receive a margin call on a short position in a stock is given by:

\[margin\ call\ price\ =\ P_0\left(\frac{1\ +\ initial\ margin}{1\ +\ maintenance\ margin}\right)\]

It might be useful to know how these formulae are derived, and, more importantly, why you do not need to know them.

How these Formulae are Derived


  • \(P_0\): initial price of the stock
  • \(P_m\): stock price that will generate a margin call
  • \(i\): initial margin
  • \(m\): maintenance margin

The initial margin that you have to post (in dollars) is:

\[P_0\ ×\ i\]

Long Position

When the price changes from \(P_0\) to \(P_m\), the price changes by an amount equal to \(P_m\ –\ P_0\). The value of the margin account for a long position changes by the same amount (e.g., if the price rises $5.00, the value of the margin account rises by $5.00), and becomes:

\[\left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\ +\ \left(P_m\ –\ P_0\right)\]

At the margin call price, the value in the margin account will be the maintenance margin:

\[P_m\ ×\ m\]

Thus, at the margin call price,

\begin{align}\left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\ +\ \left(P_m\ –\ P_0\right)\ &=\ P_m × m\\
P_m\ –\ \left(P_m\ ×\ m\right)\ &=\ P_0\ –\ \left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\\
P_m\left(1\ –\ m\right)\ &=\ P_0\left(1\ –\ i\right)\\
P_m\ &=\ P_0\left(\frac{1\ –\ i}{1\ –\ m}\right)

Short Position

When the price changes from \(P_0\) to \(P_m\), the value of the margin account for a short position becomes:

\[\left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\ +\ \left(P_0\ –\ P_m\right)\]


\begin{align}\left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\ +\ \left(P_0\ –\ P_m\right)\ &=\ P_m × m\\
P_m\ +\ \left(P_m\ ×\ m\right)\ &=\ P_0\ +\ \left(P_0\ ×\ i\right)\\
P_m\left(1\ +\ m\right)\ &=\ P_0\left(1\ +\ i\right)\\
P_m\ &=\ P_0\left(\frac{1\ +\ i}{1\ +\ m}\right)


If the market price of a stock today is $25/share, the initial margin is 50% and the maintenance margin is 30%, then if you have a long position in the stock you will get a margin call if the price drops to:

\[$25\left(\frac{1\ –\ 0.5}{1\ –\ 0.3}\right)\ =\ $17.86\]

and if you have a short position in the stock you will get a margin call if the prices rises to:

\[$25\left(\frac{1\ +\ 0.5}{1\ +\ 0.3}\right)\ =\ $28.85\]

You can check these values to ensure that they make sense: your initial margin is $25.00 × 50% = $12.50.  If the price drops to $17.86 and you have a long position, your margin account is now $12.50 – ($25.00 – $17.86) = $5.36, and,

\[\frac{$5.36}{$17.36}\ =\ 0.30\]

If the price rises to $28.85 and you have a short position, your margin account is now $12.50 – ($28.85 – $25.00) = $8.65, and,

\[\frac{$8.65}{$28.85}\ =\ 0.30\]

Why You Don’t Need to Know These Formulae

Note, however, that you do not need to be able to calculate the price at which you will get a margin call; all you need to be able to do is check whether a given price is correct.  The reason is simple: on the exam, if you’re asked the price at which a margin call will occur, you know that one of the three answer choices given is correct; all you have to do is check one of them: the middle price (answer choice “b”).  Calculate the value of the margin account, and divide that by the price; if that’s the maintenance margin percentage, then “b” is the correct answer; if it’s not, you can deduce the correct answer.

For example, suppose that for the stock above you are asked to compute the price at which the long position would get a margin call, and the answer choices are:

  1. $17.86
  2. $18.50
  3. $20.00

You check answer choice “b”: the margin account value is $12.50 – ($25.00 – $18.50) = $6.00, and,

\[\frac{$6.00}{$18.50}\ =\ 0.323\]

This value is too big, so you know that answer “b” is incorrect, and you also know that the correct answer is smaller than $18.50, because at $18.50 the margin percentage is above the maintenance margin; thus, the price hasn’t fallen enough to drop the margin account to 30% of the price, so the correct answer has to be “a”.

There are a lot of formulae in the Level I CFA curriculum that you need to memorize, but if you can check the value of the margin account as shown here, you don’t need to memorize the formulae for the margin call price; save some room in your brain for the others you do need to memorize.

The degree of total leverage (DTL) is defined as: \[DTL\ =\ \frac{\%\ change\ in\ Net\ Income}{\%\ change\ in\ Sales}\ =\ \frac{\dfrac{\Delta Net\ Income}{Net\ Income}}{\dfrac{\Delta Sales}{Sales}}\] Suppose that a company has only variable expenses – 70% of sales – and no interest expense; taxes are 40% of EBT.  If Sales are $100,000 and ΔSales is $1,000, then, […]

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The degree of financial leverage (DFL) is defined as: \[DFL\ =\ \frac{\%\ change\ in\ Net\ Income}{\%\ change\ in\ EBIT}\ =\ \frac{\dfrac{\Delta Net\ Income}{Net\ Income}}{\dfrac{\Delta EBIT}{EBIT}}\] Suppose that a company has no interest expense, and that taxes are 40% of EBIT.  If EBIT is $20,000 and ΔEBIT is $300, then, taxes will be $8,000 (= $20,000 […]

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CFA® Level I Corporate Finance Membership, CFA® Level I Membership

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The degree of operating leverage (DOL) is defined as: \[DOL = \frac{\%\ change\ in\ EBIT}{\%\ change\ in\ Sales}\ =\ \frac{\dfrac{\Delta EBIT}{EBIT}}{\dfrac{\Delta Sales}{Sales}}\] Suppose that a company has only variable expenses, and those are 70% of sales.  If Sales are $100,000 and ΔSales is $1,000, then, expenses will be $70,000 (= $100,000 × 70%) Δexpenses will […]

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The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is a measure of the degree of concentration in an industry; it is defined as: \[HHI\ =\ \sum_{i=1}^n MS_i^2\] where: \(n\): number of firms in the industry \(MS_i\): market share of firm i (Technically, if there are more than 50 firms in the industry, the HHI sums over only the largest […]

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In this article I’ll cover three quantities that go by the name of “duration”: Macaulay duration Modified duration Effective duration I’ll explain how each type of duration is calculated, the characteristics of each type of duration, the similarities and differences amongst the types of duration, and how they are used in practice. Types of Duration […]

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In comparing the formulae for the standard deviation of a population: \[\sigma\ =\ \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N \left(X_i\ –\ \mu_X\right)^2}{N}}\] and the standard deviation of a sample: \[s\ =\ \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \left(X_i\ –\ \bar X\right)^2}{n\ –\ 1}}\] the obvious difference that strikes one immediately is the for the population standard deviation the denominator is the population size – \(N\) […]

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Kurtosis is generally viewed as a measure of peakedness of a probability distribution (how tall the center of the distribution is compared to, say, a normal distribution); the taller (and thinner) the center peak, the higher the kurtosis.  Another way of describing kurtosis is as a measure of how fat the tails (extreme ends, positive […]

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Skewness of a probability distribution is a measure of its asymmetry; the higher the (absolute value of the) skewness, the more asymmetric the distribution.  Symmetric distributions have skewness of zero.  The formula for the skewness of a sample is: \[skewness\ =\ \frac{n}{\left(n\ -\ 1\right)\left(n\ -\ 2\right)}\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \left(X_i\ –\ \bar X\right)^3}{s^3}\ ≈\ \frac1n\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \left(X_i\ –\ \bar […]

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