
All posts for the day April 12th, 2013

Remember that the price of a plain vanilla interest rate swap is the fixed rate on the swap. The key to pricing swaps is the realization that a swap is essentially an exchange of bonds.  A plain vanilla (fixed-for-floating) interest rate swap can be replicated by the fixed payer issuing a fixed-rate bond to the […]

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CFA® Level II Derivatives Membership, CFA® Level II Membership

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FRA is unquestionably one of the more difficult topic areas for Level I candidates, because it requires memorization of a lot of ideas, rather than developing those ideas from first principles.  There are, however, some ideas in FRA that can be developed from first principles, which will make them easier to recall on exam day.  […]

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CFA® Level I Membership, CFA® Level I Financial Reporting and Analysis (FRA) Membership

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The formulae for valuing all derivatives are essentially the same: \[Value\ =\ PV\left(what\ you\ will\ receive\right)\ –\ PV\left(what\ you\ will\ pay\right)\] The one valuing formula that needs some explanation is the formula for valuing a currency forward; it is slightly different from the other formulae, but the difference is never explained. Here goes: Given: \(V_t\): […]

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CFA® Level II Derivatives Membership, CFA® Level II Membership

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