
All posts for the month September, 2013

Because a large number of coupon-paying bonds make their coupon payments semiannually (e.g., US Treasury Notes and Bonds, and many corporate bonds), and each coupon payment is ½ of the annual coupon (i.e., each coupon is calculated as 0.5 × annual coupon rate × par), the default yield convention for bonds is that the annual […]

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CFA® Level I Fixed Income Membership, CFA® Level I Membership

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Most investors interested in commodity exposure do not get it through direct investments in commodities; they do not buy physical oil, or wheat, or gold, or pork bellies, or whatever.  Most investors (including mutual funds, ETFs, institutional investors, and individual investors) get commodity exposure through derivatives, specifically through commodity futures or forward contracts.  We’ll concentrate […]

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CFA® Level I Membership

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Ethics is one of the topics most dreaded by Level I CFA candidates.  (And, for what it’s worth, by Level II and Level III CFA candidates as well.)  The problem with ethics is that it seems vague: lots of grey, not so much black and white.  Fortunately, there are a few overall principles that can […]

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CFA® Ethics Membership, CFA® Level III Membership, CFA® Level II Membership, CFA® Level I Membership

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Here are some articles on Level I Fixed Income Investments.  If you’d like to see more articles on Level I Fixed Income, just ask.

Here are some articles on Level I Financial Reporting and Analysis.  If you’d like to see more articles on Level I FRA, just ask.