Level III Mock Exam Marking Session


I mark Level III essay/constructed response mock exams (for my own exams, or prior years’ CFA Institute actual morning exams, but not CFA Institute mock exams), then spend about one hour online with you reviewing the exam question-by-question, explaining the basis for how I marked each part, and discussing where you when right or wrong […]



I mark Level III essay/constructed response mock exams (for my own exams, or prior years’ CFA Institute actual morning exams, but not CFA Institute mock exams), then spend about one hour online with you reviewing the exam question-by-question, explaining the basis for how I marked each part, and discussing where you when right or wrong and ways to improve the overall score.

What makes my marking sessions unique is that we will discuss not only the questions asked and answered, but variations on those questions and how the correct answer might differ based on those variations.

After purchasing a session, you need to e-mail me a list of dates that will work for you (see available dates, below), so that I can get you into my calendar. Please include your location so that I can schedule a time that is convenient for both of us.

I need to have your answers at least 48 hours before our scheduled online meeting time so that I have time to mark them and return them to you.

Very important point: I cannot issue refunds on marking sessions. However, if you have to reschedule a session, I will do my best to accommodate you as my schedule permits.

(Note: exams are sold separately.)



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